What is an Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to ISO 45001 in Jordan?


 How ISO certification process works?

In the year 2013 ISO decided to have common structure for some well-known International standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and few other international standards to have a common structure for making it easier for the consultant to go with the implementation methodologies. The common structure is called as high-level structure (HLS) and it consists of 10 common clauses that must be placed in the administration of the organisation. International organisation for standardization forum consists of many accreditation bodies. ISO 45001 Certification in Jordan This accreditation body will ensure the certification body is doing their job in a right way and they will provide a certificate for certification body to ensure this process. Similarly, the forum will take care of the work structure is very constructed in accreditation body. A consultant comes to the picture when an organisation is looking for any ISO certification. A consultant will help the organisation in achieving the ISO implementation and certification. once the organisation fulfils all the requirements which are necessary in order to obtain the certificate from the certification body, consultant assistance will play a major role. Implementation of international standards requires a lot of effort from both from consultant and organisation.

ISO 45001- OH&S

ISO 45001 is a newly updated international standard that can be applied to every organization irrespective of their nature of business, size or an industry. ISO 45001 Consultant in Jordan It also uses a high level structure like other management system standards in order to enhance the productivity in an organization. It also can be integrated with the other management system standards like ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

It provides a strict guidelines and a framework to implement, maintain, monitor and identify the policies and procedures related to the requirements of the standard. It is one of the best solutions to enable the organization to put all the occupational health and safety management system in a definite place and this will improve the organizations occupational health and safety risk and also the performances by introducing and developing the effective objectives and policies.


Merits of ISO 45001

·         It helps to reduce all kind of accidents in the workplace

·         It helps to reduce all kind of staff turnover and absenteeism that leads to productivity

·         It helps to reduce an insurance cost due to reduction in the accidents

·         Helps to comply with all kind of legal requirements it maybe from clients or from government

·          It helps to work in a healthy environment so that the employees in your organization could be more productive.

·         It is one of the generic standard and can be implemented to any organization irrespective of their nature of businesses by providing  the best solution for the organization. More info : Factocert


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